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Concert Adventures
For Early Childhood
Our programs are approximately 30 minutes without post concert activities. Most programs feature 5 musicians and a narrator. Monkey's Jungle Jam features 8 musicians and a narrator.

The Giant's Violin is the story of a young boy who is convinced a giant lives above him after he sees a "giant's violin" in his attic. This story is a fun way to introduce the string instruments of the orchestra and children aways gasp with delight when the strings bass enters the stage. Musical excerpts are taken from Saint-Saens' Carnival of the Animals. Children are invited to hop like kangaroos, roar like lions, and make big footsteps like an elephant.

The Big Note follows a boy's adventure as he crawls
through a symphony orchestra to find a big note he hears during a concert. This program introduces the flute, violin, viola, bassoon, and tuba. Music is taken from standard works by Grieg, Rossini, Beethoven, and Saint-Saens. Children will enjoy swaying like trees, moving their arms like train wheels, and flapping wings like bumble bees.

The Garden Symphony is the story of a ladybug who wakes up in spring without her own musical instrument to play in the garden. After trying all the other bug's songs, she learns that we all are given our own special song to sing. This program features the oboe, clarinet, violin, cello, and harp. Children will be invited to wake up from a long sleep, make their fingers into flowers, march in place, and flap arms like bumblebees. Musical excerpts include Vivaldi's Four Seasons, The Flight of the Bumble Bee, and more.

Monkey's Jungle Jam is a story that features unusual animals found in the jungle while also introducing some of the usual instruments found in an orchestra. Children will enjoy hearing the english horn, e-flat clarinet, violin, cello, double bass, piccolo, bass clarinet, xylophone, and snare drum as they listen to a narrator tell the story of a spider monkey's search for musical friends. The story also counts to 10 and introduces the concept of a musical beat.

The Runaway Strings features the adventures of Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, and Cello who runaway by forming a boat, a rocket, a sled, a train, and a hot balloon in order to find adventures to bring back to their audience. In the end, they realize the power to transport their audience was built into their music all along. The Runaway Strings highlights a strings quartet, horn, and narrator.
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